Email Marketing, Lead Generation

One of the most common obstacles we face when talking to an email marketer is “I am already using an automation software, and I don’t want to switch”  and we totally get where they are coming from BUT in all honesty, we don’t want you to switch!

In this article, we are going to be discussing what differentiates MailClickConvert from your Marketing Automation system and how we actually work extremely well together.

To start off, let's begin by defining what a  Marketing automation system is.

What is a Marketing automation system?

Email marketing systems (Marketing automation systems) like Active Campaign, Hubspot Marketing, AWeber, and others are built to automate repetitive tasks such as sending emails, assigning leads, and creating workflows.  The majority of the time, marketing automation tools are used to send a series of emails to contact.   For example, through Active Campaign, an email marketer can send me an email about their product on Monday and send me a different email about the product based on my behavior (if I opened, ignored, or clicked a link on the email).

One major limitation to these email marketing systems is that it  doesn’t allow you to email cold, non-opt-in lists.   So if you acquire a contacts list by purchasing or mining it yourself, you are risking your account getting blacklisted in these email marketing systems.   More importantly,  you are risking your domain name’s reputation from getting blacklisted by email service providers like Gmail, yahoo, outlook, and others!

So how does MailClickConvert help with this problem?   Before we go there, let’s learn a little about opt-in lists.

What are opt-in lists?

A list is considered “opt-in” when the contacts in that list have explicitly given you permission to email them.   This means that these contacts are expecting some sort of email from you and are not surprised when they get it.   These opt-ins are usually generated through newsletter subscriptions, e-book/white-paper downloads, or back and forth conversations about product inquiry.

Here is what Active Campaign considers an opt-in list “…  all of your contacts must have willingly given you their email address, with the knowledge that they would be added to your list and receive mass emails from you. Usually, contacts sign up using an online subscription form.”

So how is MailClickConvert different? 

To simply put it, we allow you to send emails to any contact, no matter how you acquire the list (or the size of the list).   And we do it safely so that your domain name doesn’t get impacted and you can successfully generate leads for your sales team.   Additionally, our system doesn’t limit you by charging per contact.   You can store an unlimited amount of contacts in our system without impacting your price.

Here are a few other differences:

Instead of thinking of MailClickConvert as a competitor to these email automation systems, think of us as a complement to these email marketing systems.   Our system helps you turn cold contacts into warm leads or opt-in subscribers so you can effectively engage with your prospects.

How do we help you get opt-in contacts?

There are many ways you can use MailClickConveret to generate new opt-in subscribers.   One method is by emailing your cold contacts with an offer to download an ebook, white paper, or any free piece of content.   To receive the offer, the contact must complete a form with some basic information about themselves (name, email, etc.).   Once the form is completed, the contact is now an opt-in subscriber who gave you “permission” to email him or her in the future.

There are many ways you can use MailClickConveret to generate new opt-in subscribers.   One method is by emailing your cold contacts with an offer to download an ebook, white paper, or any free piece of content.   To receive the offer, the contact must complete a form with some basic information about themselves (name, email, etc.).   Once the form is completed, the contact is now an opt-in subscriber who gave you “permission” to email him or her in the future.

When combining MailClickConvert’s outbound email system with your email automation system, you can create a consistent flow of leads for your sales funnel.

Here are some offers you can use to generate opt-in subscribers from MailClickConvert:

  1. Free white-papers
  2. Free course
  3. Webinars
  4. Free tools
  5. Checklists
  6. Guides
  7. Free consultation
  8. Coupons and giveaways
  9. Promotional offers
  10. Credit reviews
  11. Free quote and much more!

Want to learn more about MailClickConvert? Schedule a Free Demo Today!