Sed sed elementum magna, nec viverra massa. Maecenas dapibus ante ante, eu auctor ligula consequat sit amet. Sed pretium ante ac tortor dictum hendrerit. Sed consequat est id suscipit varius. Morbi condimentum scelerisque luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus lorem dolor, faucibus nec viverra a, posuere id erat.

Watch the video tutorial below on how to add Email List.


The first step in sending your email is to add an email list to your account. Click on the ‘Add List’ link on the left-hand side under the ’email marketing’ tab.


First, you need to Upload your email list. To do so,  go to Email Verification > Upload List > Browse your email list file > check Auto Verify list after upload and check Auto Copy the valid records to email marketing section after verification > click Upload List


We set up MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and Sender ID records.

MX (Mail Exchange) records

The MX record tells the sending mail server where to deliver the mail.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records

Sender Policy Framework is a record that is used to help prevent email spoofing.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name to an email, thereby allowing an organization to take responsibility for a message in a way that can be validated by a recipient.

Email service providers treat domains differently based on their reputation. This “score” can be based on many things, such as the age of the domain name, how well the sending account has been set up, deliverability, engagement data from users receiving email from it, and – often to a higher degree – previous listings of domain names and IP addresses on anti-spam services such as SpamHaus.

You can use MXToolbox to check your domain and IP reputation against many popular blocklists.

Unfortunately, blacklisting sites (especially Spamhaus) are getting more aggressive when it comes to new domains being set up for cold email marketing and they do not list or provide specific reasons why a site will be listed.

This is based on their website:

Creating Nameservers at

Step 1.  Login into NameSilo then click “Manage My Domains”.

Image removed.

Step 1: Domain Name Registration

In order to set up your account, we need to pick your personal domain name(s).  Generally, we do a variation of the brand you’re promoting. For the package you are on, it comes with X domains. 

Here’s what I suggest (please pick X) 

From signup to campaign launch, MailClickConvert walks you through the entire process, and as long as you have ready all the requirements, you will be up and running within 3-4 business day.

Setup Requirement overview:

1. Preferred domain names
2. Email message (plaint text or html)
3. Emailing list (file should be either CSV or txt)
4. Campaign send schedule (optional)