Campaign Warm-Up Strategies

Successful email deliverability will appear like a difficult task–and with numerous factors affecting your sender reputation like content quality and email list health, getting your email to the inbox will feel tougher than ever.

If your domain hasn’t been properly warmed up, you’ll end up with poor deliverability rates, which means that your emails won’t reach your recipients’ inboxes.

The trick is being as natural as possible and acting as if you are reaching out to your friends – you probably don’t want to send them 10 emails a day. 

Domain and IP Blacklisting Issue

There really is no getting past blacklisting. Blacklisting is normal since what we are doing is cold (unsolicited) emails. This is the nature of cold email marketing and why the majority of email marketing companies out there will not allow you to send out to a cold list with volume. They will shut your account down since they use THEIR domains or yours to send out emails. The reason why we allow clients to send out cold emails with volume is because we use proxy domains for your campaigns.