When you create a message, the default setting is for double-spaced lines. In order to single space a line, simply hold down shift and hit enter.

We support a spinning text feature in the body of an email marketing message only in the HTML/TEXT part

Spin Tag Syntax {SPIN=TEXTTOSPINHERE|ANOTHERWORD}  You can have multiple words to spin just by adding the | character to separate each word.

Examples below:

{SPIN=This|Here} is {SPIN=some|a {SPIN=little|wee} bit of} {SPIN=example|sample|paragraph} text.

Using the spinning text feature can help make your campaign more dynamic/random and might help improve delivery as well.

Link full URL variables for special actions:

{unsubscribe} -  Unsubscribe Link
{viewwebpage} - View as a web page link
{forwardfriend} - Forward to friend link
{facebook} - share facebook
{twitter} - share twitter
{linkedin} - share linkedin

List Verify is a service that helps clean your email list. We first run a couple of checks to see if the email looks good based on the list verify settings, then we run it against our various suppression databases, and lastly, we do an SMTP level verify up to the point of sending an email but completing it.

We break down your list into the following statuses after completion:

If you have sent out a campaign and you want to resend it, you do not need to create a new one from scratch and input all the settings again.

Using our copy/resend campaign option is an easy way to copy an entire campaign saving you time to set up other settings you want to reuse for your next campaign especially the sending schedule.

The only way to address this concern is to try to resend the campaign just targeting the blocked emails with an alternative sending profile.

Strategies for Blocked and Timed out list Status: https://www.mailclickconvert.com/resources/knowledge-articles/strategies-for-blocked-and-timed-out-list-status/

To conduct a Message Spam Check, please follow the steps below:

MCC Account Dashboard > Email Marketing > Messages > View Messages > Select your desired message > click on Check Message Score > Input your message Subject >  click Check Message Score button

Watch the video tutorial below on how to upload your message HTML Template.

Below is the Premium Drag and Drop Editor Demo video:


To access your premium drag and drop editor, please follow the steps below: MCC Account Dashboard > Email Marketing > Messages > Create A Message > Premium Drag and Drop Editor > Choose the Template you want to use

Our main channels of support are Support Ticket and FAQ. The support staff does not have access to phones to make phone calls to customers.

If a phone call is indeed needed, here are our Phone Support Packages:

  1. Option 1 - Basic

Price: $99/monthly
Details: Scheduled phone call with your client success manager – Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM CST
Inclusion / limitation - 3 hours phone time per month (consumable). NOTE: Does not stack/carry over to the next month