Choosing between Plain Text & HTML Email has been always the relatively old debate when talking about email deliverability. It’s been said that a smart email marketer should choose which format best suits the intended audience and purpose to obtain the best email deliverability results.

So, before we dig deeper into this, it is significant to learn the difference between a Plain Text & HTML Email.

Knowing the difference

What is a plain text email?

Successful email deliverability will appear like a difficult task–and with numerous factors affecting your sender reputation like content quality and email list health, getting your email to the inbox will feel tougher than ever.

If your domain hasn’t been properly warmed up, you’ll end up with poor deliverability rates, which means that your emails won’t reach your recipients’ inboxes.

The trick is being as natural as possible and acting as if you are reaching out to your friends – you probably don’t want to send them 10 emails a day. 

Step 1: Domain Name Registration

In order to set up your account, we need to pick your personal domain name(s).  Generally, we do a variation of the brand you’re promoting. For the package you are on, it comes with X domains. 

Here’s what I suggest (please pick X) 

From signup to campaign launch, MailClickConvert walks you through the entire process, and as long as you have ready all the requirements, you will be up and running within 3-4 business day.

Setup Requirement overview:

1. Preferred domain names
2. Email message (plaint text or html)
3. Emailing list (file should be either CSV or txt)
4. Campaign send schedule (optional)

To add a message, click on the “Add Message” link in the email marketing tab. On this page, you are given a couple of options. One is to Create a New Message and the other option is to upload an existing message.

Creating a new message allows you to build a message using our editor. We have an easy to use interface, as well as the option to use HTML code.